
Business Man

A number of leading lights from the business community in South Yorkshire met at the start of this month, with the main item on the agenda being how the local economy can recover from the pandemic.

This meeting was led by James Muir, who is the chair of Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), with others in attendance including representatives of trade unions, the Federation of Small Businesses, the British Business Bank and the area’s chamber of commerce.

They have formed a group that will work on a recovery strategy for the region, reporting back to the COVID-19 Response Group. The initial meeting focused on what effect the virus has had already, how local companies and subcontractors can be better supported, and how economic recovery can be hastened when the government loosens the restrictions.

The meeting identified several economic priorities, such as more government help for micro-businesses, and local corporate sector backing of PPE production. There may also be ways in which businesses can help each other; for example, accountants in South Yorkshire might be able to assist small firms and subcontractors in dealing with financial losses caused by the pandemic.

Speaking to Insider Media, Muir said:

“It is clear businesses will need support to adapt to the easing of the lockdown, for instance ensuring the Job Retention Scheme does not end with a cliff-edge.”

He also stated that the LEP and mayor were committed to ensuring that the many companies and self-employed subcontractors in the area made it through the crisis.

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