
Business Man

When you hire a business accountant in Goole or wherever you are based, you will want to have a smooth working relationship. There are some key questions that you should ask early on to help ensure that this is what happens.

What qualifications/experience do you have?

There is no regulation surrounding the use of the word ‘accountant’ – so anyone can set themselves up as one. This makes it important to get clarification that they are properly certified, and preferably that they have experience handling small business’ accounts.

How can my taxes be reduced?

A qualified accountant can identify potential tax rebates that will reduce liabilities for a small business. Asking about this from the start, as well as updates about legislation, could really be beneficial to your business in the long run.

Are my plans achievable?

Ask your accountant if the plans for your business are realistic at the very first meeting and keep asking as your business progresses. It’s better to know if there are parts that are not achievable, and you want an accountant who will be honest with you.

When should we meet up?

Setting regular times for meetings with your accountant will help matters to run smoothly. You also need to know that you can contact them if an emergency arises, so ideally, accountants with flexible working hours will be best.

At Adaptive Accountancy, we are available to assist our clients around the clock. Call now for more information.

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